
Understanding recreational boating and paddling in the Irish Sea

22 December 2021

Help us to better understand the British and Irish boating community and find the best education materials to suit you.

This 15-30 minute anonymous questionnaire asks recreational boaters and paddlers about your boating activities, your knowledge of invasive non-native animals and plants, and the actions you could take to prevent the inadvertent spread of these hitch-hikers. You do not need any previous knowledge about invasive non-native animals or plants to take part.


Ethical approval

This questionnaire has been developed by a panel of academics and recreational boaters and all questions have been scrutinized and approved by recreational boaters and an independent Ethical Review Committee as part of Bangor University Ethical Policy Framework (project reference: COESE2021LMW01A).

About the researcher

Dr Liz Morris-Webb is an interdisciplinary marine scientist based at Bangor University in Wales. She is working as a postdoctoral researcher with the Ecostructure Project (

This research is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF, through the Ireland-Wales Cooperation Programme 2014-2020.

Contact Liz about her research on

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Academic study

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